Thursday, March 1, 2018

Me and my long journey

It was pitch dark and I couldn’t figure out the length of the tunnel. My brain was filled with so many thoughts right from my childhood to old age of all my actions whether they were good or bad. Suddenly, I started seeing the bright light approaching me after a prolonged period of time. As the light appeared closer and closer, I felt very relieved. My hand grip got loosened and suddenly a great level of energy entered preparing me for a very long journey. I gently closed my eyes enjoying that moment. When I woke up, there were lot of noises around me and I wondered what was going on in an otherwise calm environment.

Suddenly, a few men came inside my room, a few of them started dressing me nicely while the others focused on doing a facial, combed my hair neatly and decorated my forehead with something. I was trying to help myself adjusting my glasses but I was not able to move my hands. I tried to move but my legs were tied. Then, a guy inserted something into my nostril holes. Then all of them together took me to the adjacent room and placed me inside a glass box. While they were placing me inside the air-conditioned box, I noticed that there was a lamp above my head and a few of my close kith and kin were crying. I wanted to tell them I was fine but could not utter a single word. Within a few minutes, I started shivering and was getting ready to jump out of the box but I couldn’t move. How can these able-bodied men restrain me that too in the presence of all my kith and kin?

Suddenly, a batch of my relatives started coming in and they brought with them some flower garlands and I was wondering whether my family has organized a puja at home without telling me. Everyone stood silently in front of me and started garlanding me and shedding tears. I didn’t achieve any national awards nor I was retiring from my work. Why all this fanfare? When some of them hugged my children, others were saying something nice about me to my spouse. I was wondering why they never said such nice words to me earlier. However, my focus was how to get out of this cold box. Violent thoughts came to my mind to break open the box but I realized that I couldn’t do anything on my own unless a few people around help me get out of this refrigeration. My body became completely cold and I felt helpless. I felt like screaming to let me do my free will.

As the time passed by, more and more people assembled and suddenly I noticed hectic activity outside of my sweet home. Finally, a few heeded to my request to let me out of that stupid box. They gave me nice hot shower and again dressed me up neatly and I began to feel better. Suddenly, they took me out and tied me up in a bed consist of leaves tied to two large bamboos. After doing some ceremonies, a few of them loaded me into a van while a few of my relatives got into the vehicle with me.

They took me to a strange place where my children filled up several forms as though they were applying for my passport. My children were dressed differently and after they said some hymns, I was pushed into another iron box and before I could realize what was happening, I was engulfed in flames. I was screaming to let me out but no one was able to hear me. Finally, I reconciled to my fate and I was burned down into ashes in a few minutes. I felt I was everywhere but didn’t have a physical body. My children after performing a few more rites, placed a few of my bones and ashes into a mud pot and took it to immerse into the water. They returned home to commence series of rituals recalling me for a few hours every day. They realized my journey was long and prepared everything I needed.

When I was getting ready to leave, the following thoughts came to my mind. I came here for a reason. I showered my love and dedicated my life for the well-being of my kith and kin. I tried my best to lead a righteous life and tried to hurt no one. I performed my duties to the best of my ability lovingly and selflessly. I have made some mistakes in life but always repented for them. My life taught me to remain calm whether I faced pleasure or pain. I knew my legacy would remain in the hearts of my kith and kin and people I knew. I was not sure where I was going and what was in store for me going forward but it made no difference to me. I was determined to be happy as always.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

GetOut by Yourself!

A fire broke out in a house in which a man was fast asleep.  
They tried to carry him out through the window.  
No way.  
They tried to carry him out through the door.  
No way.  He was just too huge and heavy.
They were pretty desperate till someone suggested,
“Wake him up, then he’ll get out by himself.”
What is the fire that you are sleeping through? A mediocre student hood? Unfit body? Abrasive mood? Bad marriage? Lousy Financial?
No amount of effort from others will save you from the licking flames of suffering. Wake up and face the raw suffering. Be aware how much you are paying as a cost to be stuck in mediocrity.
You will get out yourself.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

What would you ban in India if you had a chance?

Actually i was so stressed.. So i wanted to give everything a break. And decided to do something crazy.

I made an online quiz with few stress buster questions and asked my colleagues at work to take it up.

Out of which i am sharing one with you..

What would you ban in India if you had a chance?

Answer : Unnecessary world tours by politicians! 
But, to be honest if am that politician.. I would enjoy the most!

I know this is well explained. Yet, i wanted to show some proof..

Meet Mrs. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil,

  1. She was the first and only woman president of India. 
  2. During her tenure as the president, she spend total 205 crores on tours and travels. 
  3. In each of her tour, she was accompanied by 3 to 11 members of her family. 
  4. An RTI application revealed how much she had wasted on these tours. 
  5. 36 crores was spent by ministry of External Affairs on her accomodation, local travel and other miscellanous expences. 
  6. Air India billed Defense Ministry of India for over 169 crores that Mrs. Patil had spent on her air travel. 
It was really sad to see the President of the country spend the Tax-payers money on Personal travels. 

What did the country gain from her ‘family tours’?
If I had the chance, I would have banned unnecessary world tours by politicians (if the visit isn’t for any good of the country)!
Btw, Just like everyone else who reads this post.. I clearly dint mean Mrs. Patil alone!

Family-Work Balance - Art of Learning Everyday!

No matter how I slice it, I only have twenty-four hours in my day.

As I’ve learned, focusing entirely on efficiency and trying to do everything is the wrong approach.

When i started working, my son was 5.5 years old. I thought he is more independent that any other child i have seen before. But, everytime he falls sick, Everytime he expects me to finish his homeworks I understood I was wrong with my belief., Afterall, i know "Mother" is not an easy job either.

In reality, I understood people who have figured out how to integrate their family and professional success have done one thing very well: letting go.

For all those struggling moms,
Let me describe 2 important laws that is helping me recently.

1. Law of Diminishing Returns.

When I reach a point where the benefit gained is less than the amount of energy invested, it means I’m doing too much.

Sometimes the optimal level of effort is when we’ve achieved “good enough” on a project at work, which allows us to focus our energy on family. Or, other times, it’s achieving “good enough” with family so we can focus more energy on a massive project we’re excited about at work.

And once you know what your “good enough” is, you have the ability to ask others to support you so you can free up time and energy for more important things. Whether it’s hiring someone to help you grow a business, having your laundry done for you, or even if getting your husband's help in doing very silly home needs for you. Everything will make your time more focused on the quality of work that you actually have to do.

2.The Power of Deadlines

In college, when I had professors set a project deadline, I knew it had to get done. I could cram all I wanted the night before, but no matter what it needed to be finished on the due date. On the other hand, when I have something I need to do “eventually” it gets pushed off…again…and again…and again.

When we make use of this law, (or ask for help, or say “no”) we’re making sure to spend our energy and time in the places that matter the most to us.

The reality of today is that the working mothers is expected to live up to both these role models – That of a “Full Time Mother” and a “Full Time Working Professional” and is compared judged and rated with both these “role models”. The truth is that she will almost always fall short. And that only adds to her stress levels, guilt, expectations of herself – all of which does impact her professional growth and output, not to mention personal well-being.

 I have seen too many ambitious and successful working mothers who’ve had challenges in managing their professional and personal life because of health related issues / lifestyle disorders in the family (husband / children / their own). These range from obesity, to allergies (like Asthma), to depression and psychological issues. For e.g.: An acquaintance who is a Bollywood script-writer took a 2 year break because her son went into severe depression. I heard of another IT professional whose 4 year old son simply stopped talking one fine day. Medically, everything was normal. So the mother took a 6 month break from work to just be there for him. I know of several working mothers who have been diagnosed with anxiety related disorders, and again had to take a career break.

Life is a big puzzle. Only when all the pieces are in its place, we shall win. Work and Family takes equal share. We gotta let things go.. and rock!

Me and my long journey

It was pitch dark and I couldn’t figure out the length of the tunnel. My brain was filled with so many thoughts right from my childhood to ...